7 Challenges of ICT in Learning Process (Education) and Solutions

Explore the challenges of ICT in the Learning Process in education and discover solutions. Knows the limitations of ICT and how it impacts.
challenges of ICT in education

The use of technology in the teaching and learning process helps to facilitate the teacher's teaching, make the students' learning sustainable, and make teaching and learning activities effective as a whole. There is no need to continue discussing the benefits and importance of using technology. But now that we have the level of technology infrastructure and the human and institutional capacity to use that technology, it has become very difficult and challenging to fulfill our ambitions related to the use of communication technology tools. In this article, we will discuss the challenges of ICT in education and their solutions.

Reviewing the Obstacles to Implementing ICT

Studies have shown that the quality of the current technology infrastructure available in Nepal is not sufficient to use information and communication technology tools, which are intended to be used as auxiliary tools to improve the quality of overall education by reducing the disparity in learning levels between rural and urban and private and community schools. In this context, this article has reviewed the challenges of using information technology in teaching and learning and related them to the goals we have set.
Implementing ICT

To advance and strengthen themselves, people and organizations may do so thanks to access to tools and the usage of technology. A person may become illiterate if they don't have a fundamental understanding of information technology due to the way that time has changed or how technology has advanced humans. Digital inequality is widening despite efforts to narrow it. Governmental efforts are being undertaken to raise educational standards and bridge the digital gap.

Shifting roles in education

The emphasis on using technology and information in teaching and learning activities means that the teacher's role shifts from that of a knowledge transmitter to one of a knowledge supporter. In this situation, the teacher's knowledge about the use of technology is not enough. It is very challenging to make the learning meaningful by connecting cognitive learning through the use of technology tools, explaining it by connecting it with the student's prior knowledge, making the students the leaders of the learning, and playing the role of a helper (constructivist teacher).

When there is a change in the teacher's role, there is also a need for changes in the assessment system, record system, student learning speed, curriculum implementation, and assessment system. Most of the currently employed teachers who have been teaching for twenty years without even hearing the name of information and communication technology (only a few of them are using it) have seen a problem in promoting it.

Adaptations ICT in Education Systems

Adaptations ICT in Education Systems

Studies have shown that information and communication technology can make teaching and learning more effective. Despite this, it is difficult to integrate information and communication technology into the education system. Due to the lack of internet and electricity, many schools cannot teach students with the help of computers. 

The effectiveness of information and communication technology depends on trained teachers and the quality of technology tools available in schools. Mobile phones can make learning possible because they require the same infrastructure as computers. Mobile networks are available in relatively many places, and many mobile phones also have the facility to use the internet and video. But with the quality of internet currently available in Nepal and the quality of mobile service, it is unimaginable to play videos from a mobile with the cost of internet.

Government and NGO Support for Technology in Schools

Government and NGO Support for Technology in Schools

The government and some non-governmental organizations are supporting computers and the Internet in schools. It is not found to be based on the demand of the schools, and the resources provided are being used very little. In addition, it has been found that some non-governmental organizations are providing old equipment. It has been found that schools also take what they give without saying that they do not take such old materials. It has been found that the tools purchased with government subsidies are of poor quality, and those materials deteriorate quickly and are unusable without maintenance for a long time. 

Likewise, it seems that the use of such technology tools available in schools are mainly used for administrative work and as a means of spending free time with teachers. In terms of teaching and learning activities, its use is very limited. It seems to be used. In terms of teaching and learning activities, its use is very limited. Rather than looking for ways to increase the use of these tools, there is a tendency to show problems. For this, there is a lack of infrastructure and manpower, along with this, there is also a lack of willpower.

Challenges of ICT and Solution

Challenges of ICT

Many efforts have been made to improve the overall quality of education by increasing the use of information technology in public schools. However, the expected results have not been achieved from those efforts. The following are the problems or challenges of ICT and the solutions seen in its effective use:

1. Access to ICT in Education:

It is also challenging for teachers who have been teaching with one method for twenty years to become familiar with it and use it. Also, there is a lack of the necessary infrastructure and manpower. For this, materials and grants should be provided to the schools based on demand, and the prerequisites for the use of the equipment, and the necessary human resources should be developed. These schools can provide devices to ensure students have access, and the government can also work on improving internet facilities.

2. Inclusivity:

Ensures that ICT benefits all students with disabilities. For this purpose, regarding the use of technology tools in classroom teaching and learning, the development of sample materials, intensive online teacher training, various web conferences, and webinars should be conducted.

3. Digital Divide:

  • The use of technology can create a digital divide in the teaching-learning process due to the economic and geographical disparity of students. There is a need to address the problem through public-private partnership schemes, subsidized internet schemes, and community centers with access to ICT.
  • To reduce the growing digital divide, support and grant programs should be conducted targeting remote and rural areas.

4. Pedagogical Shift:

In a situation where the scope of education is increasing day by day, it is a big challenge to transform from traditional education methods to technologically advanced education. As today's society becomes more dependent on ICT day by day, there is a need to change our educational approaches. This change is not without obstacles and complications. 

An effective multilateral solution to such a challenge is necessary. It helps teachers and related organizations involved in the educational process organize and adapt by reducing possible resistance to change.

5. Privacy Concerns:

In the rapidly growing digitized educational learning process, the question of the privacy of students and teachers is also the most challenging and important. When educational institutions use digital tools and various online platforms for teaching, the security of sensitive information becomes a challenge. It is necessary to adopt a multifaceted approach to solve this terrible challenge. 

Addressing this daunting challenge requires a multipronged solution. It includes a comprehensive approach to privacy protection that not only includes the formulation of strict privacy policies but also measures to protect sensitive data and develop privacy awareness.

6. Technical Issues and Dependency

ICT in any field is not without technical issues and problems. The learning and teaching processes in education may be affected by hardware, software errors, and network problems. Furthermore, over-reliance on technology can cause serious disruptions to both teachers and children when systems do not work.

7. Evaluation and Assessment

Evaluation and Assessment

There are difficulties in determining the effectiveness of ICT in the teaching and learning process and how much its impact is. The use of ICT technology may not fully assess students' prior learning. Developing appropriate frameworks and creating evaluation techniques is important to assess the proper impact of ICT.


While increasing the use of the Internet in schools and colleges, it is also a challenge to reduce the increased obscenity and violence. Teenagers are becoming victims of violence on the internet. The problems of cybercrime and cyberbullying have been added. On the one hand, the practice of safe use of technology and maximum benefit from it has not been developed, and on the other hand, numerous currently working teachers are not familiar with technology tools. He is not convinced that technology helps teachers.


Q1. How can you improve the use of ICT?

Ans: Enhancing ICT usage involves multiple strategies. Firstly, promoting digital literacy through training and education is important.

Q2. How can the digital divide in education be addressed?

Ans: To address the digital divide in education, public-private partnerships, subsidized internet programs, and community centers with ICT access should be established.


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