How To Make Money Online Free / Earn Money Online Without Paying

Learn earn money or Make money online from home. Use freelancer, Digital Marketing, Affiliate marketing, Blogger, YouTube, Facebook, website design.

earn money online free

Today in our daily life each and every work becomes simple and easier due to the development of technology and also day by day new opportunities is being created for new employment. For this, you must have skills in any one sector.


Freelancer is earning platform. Using this can earn money from home. But for this, you need different skills in different sectors. For example, web page designing and development, and creating mobile apps and websites.

Digital Marketing: 

Today is the age of marketing competition. Every company wants to market online and grow its business. To use this you have to earn money without paying anyone.

 For digital marketing need to have knowledge about social media marketing, SEO Email marketing, etc.


You can also make money from blogs. Blogger is a product of Google, where you get a free domain and hosting features.

If you become a blogger then go to and create your blogger. You have to write an article or content and make it public.

After you create an AdSense account and your AdSense account is approved, ads appear on Blogger. The same ad is your source of income.


YouTube is a product of Google Company. Today YouTube is the most popular platform for earning money. If you have a creative mind and can make a creative video then you have easy to earn money online.

For Working with youtube you have to create a YouTube channel for this you can create a Google account free of cost from and upload your own creative video. The video should not be stolen by others. Also, for this, you have to follow the rules of YouTube.

You need to know what kind of videos to put on YouTube and what kind of videos not to put. After that, your monetization is turned on and the video ad comes up. That's where your income comes from. You also need an AdSense account for this.


If you have a website, you can earn good money from Facebook by turning on Facebook Instant Articles

Website Design: 

If you have the skills to design a website, you can work from home in different companies and earn money. For Website design and creating websites, you must have knowledge of programming like HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP, etc.

App Development: You may use social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, and other mobile apps. You can make money by making these types of apps. There are many programming languages for making apps. Java is made from Android apps and Flutter code is made from Android and iOS apps. Swift or C++ becomes the only app for iOS.

Software Development: 

Software plays an important role in making your work easier and simpler. There is a lot of demand for software in government offices and private offices now. If you can make software, you can earn good money. The software requires C language; dot Net, Java programming, and other programming languages.

There are a lot of updates on programming now. These and some other tools or means can be used to make money online from home.

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