Role of ICT in Sustainable Development in Developing countries

ICT in sustainable development overcome geographically established vast networks and connections between people and places around the world.
The current twenty-first century is depicted as the era of information communication technology in the world. It has easily overcome geographical boundaries and barriers and established vast networks and connections between people and places around the world. this blog post will discuss the role of ICT in sustainable development.
Role of ict in sustainable development in developing countries

Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Global Development

The current twenty-first century is depicted as the era of information communication technology in the world. It has easily overcome geographical boundaries and barriers and established vast networks and connections between people and places around the world. As a technical dimension of globalization, the citizens of the world are not only connected through information communication technology, but it is influencing every moment, moment, and activity in the society, country, and national, and international scenarios from the daily life of the common man. 

Since the development and its management are conducted under this environmental condition, the development process cannot remain untouched by the influence of information communication technology. Information and communication technology is an integrated technology that combines telecommunications services and computer technology to create access to information and information, store, transmit, and manipulate it as needed. 

Information Communication Technology (ICT) is a comprehensive and integrated combination of communication tools, processes, and techniques, with its role in development being a well-established topic. However, in the year 2000, the United Nations prioritized information and communication technology as an integral part of global development, and this issue came forward institutionally.

Challenges of Information Communication Technology ( ICT )

Information and communication technology is a powerful infrastructure to face the development challenges created by the heterogeneity caused by complex geographical conditions. It significantly helps by mitigating the geographical challenges found in the development. The quick development of information and communication technology has created opportunities for the sustainable growth of social and economic sectors, including trade, health, education, and agriculture.
Challenges and Negative Aspects of Information Communication Technology

Currently, information communication technology is also a good sector of quality employment. This will help to reduce the unemployment problem, expand the development of intellectual industries, and help in the construction of a knowledge-based society, a strong means of marketing services and promotion for consumer choice, the integrated use of telecommunication services related to information communication technology and computer technology will make development management simple, economical, timely and There are direct benefits such as helping to make it manageable.

ICT as a Time-Efficient Development Management Tool

ICT as a Time-Efficient Development Management Tool

At present, the role of information and communication technology in development management has reached such an extent that without the use of information communication technology, all the processes from the identification of development agendas, planning, implementation, monitoring, and impact evaluation are blocked. 

Due to the global network and accessibility of information and communication technology, successful development models practiced in any corner of the world can easily be followed by the rest of the world. From this, information communication technology has played the role of a facilitator to make the development process relevant and implementable. Through the proper combination of development and information communication technology, government can be transformed into electronic governance or e-governance and good governance by creating a country's social and economic development, creating jobs, reducing poverty, and building a society based on information and knowledge. 

Among the various resources needed in the management of information and communication technology development, it is also a flexible resource that can be used according to the situation and development needs. Therefore, its role can also be mentioned as a resource that facilitates development in a relevant manner. The development of information communication technology has opened all-round doors for development. It has become easy to internationalize the national development agenda without borders.

Thus, to help developing nations achieve their development objectives, the international community never stops assisting them. Through this information communication technology has played an important role in globalizing development through its network. Its development and use have miraculously reduced the time required for the implementation of development plans. Information communication technology is a powerful weapon of development management that can complete the work that takes years in a few hours.

Negative Aspects of Information Communication Technology

There are also some negative aspects of information communication technology. Access to it is somewhat expensive; enough infrastructure is needed to establish the technology. Similarly, training and capacity development are necessary as operations require specialized knowledge. From time to time, the fact that it is difficult to maintain confidentiality and achieve credibility in the works edited by this has come up. 

Due to excessive use of information communication technology and blindly following it, there is a situation where the original culture of the country may be damaged and the creativity and innovation of the development manager may be negatively affected. Various difficulties have arisen due to excessive use and dependence. However, there is no alternative to increasing its benefits through capacity and infrastructure development while minimizing its negative aspects and risks.

Strategies for Effective ICT Utilization in Developing Countries

Strategies for Effective ICT Utilization in Developing Countries

A task force named Digital Opportunity Initiative has presented various strategies for the effective use of information communication technology in terms of increasing the speed of the socio-economic transformation of developing countries. Establishing access to all by making adequate provision of information and communication technology infrastructures, The working group believes that information communication technology can be useful in the development of such countries if there is development of technical skills and capabilities of users, policy clarity and strong institutional capacity, the use of information communication technology according to the needs and demands of the local people, and professional economic activities.


In today's world, there is a direct and direct relationship between the level of development of a country and the state of development of information communication technology. The countries that have made leaps in the development of information and communication technology are the leaders in the overall development. Information and communication technology is playing an important role as a positive helper and promoter of development. 

When used in a timely, accurate, thorough, and effective manner, it can flow the indispensable power for the development of the nation's social, economic, humanitarian, governmental, and other sectors as a whole, thereby contributing to the goal of overall development and transformation of the nation., accurate, thorough, and effective manner, it can flow the indispensable power for the development of the nation's social, economic, humanitarian, governmental, and other sectors as a whole, thereby contributing to the goal of overall development and transformation of the nation.

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