
How Technology Has Changed Teaching and Learning-ICT Sewa

The use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) has enabled us to think outside of the traditional classroom, opening up new possibilitie…

ICT in Education: Uses And Importance - ICT Sewa

ICT ( Information Communication Technology ) in Education is the most important topic in today’s world. If you want to learn about the importance o…

The Impact of Internet on Education-ICT Education

Today, the internet helps with online courses to online research materials, the Internet has helped us. The Internet has enabled students to stay up-…

How the Internet Helps in Education (Or, The benefits of internet-based education)

We know that the Internet has changed the way students learn and created new opportunities for education. The Internet has provided new opportunities…

The Effect of Cybercrime on Society - Don't be the Next Victim!

The effect of cybercrime on society is staggering - but only if you are a victim! Our society has an impact on us, and we have an effect on it too. I…

Guide to Cyber Security Risk Management for Businesses

Many people are familiar with the term cyber security risk , but many others may not be so clear on what exactly this means. So what are the types o…